Nutrition 101 – Get real about healthy eating

If we get real about food, the single reason we eat is to provide fuel for the body to function.
Every conscious and unconscious action of your body relies on adequate and appropriate fuelling; from breathing to oxygen exchange, cell reproduction, digestion, heartbeat, bone growth, brain function, thought, speech, muscle growth as well as muscular movement.
Without proper fuel, the quality of these metabolic processes is compromised – that is, your body just doesn’t work its best.
Chronic illness and disease rates are higher than ever among western populations. More people rely on medical treatments to manage lifestyle illnesses like high cholesterol, Type II diabetes, allergies, asthma and skin disorders. And it’s happening earlier!
Instead of looking outside for a solution, we should look at what we put IN first
What does your body need to function optimally?
Every body needs a mix of high quality nutrients: carbohydrates, lean protein, a range of vitamins and minerals, enzymes, healthy fats, essential fatty acids, and lots of clean, fresh water.
We have more money and more access to foods containing these nutrients, yet few of us consume them in the amounts we need for ongoing health.
Why? Mostly because we fill up on foods that have been so highly processed, treated or prepared in such a way that they are virtually nutrient-dead.
Just like putting the best petrol into your car; putting the best fuel into your body keeps it running smoother for longer!
What should you eat then?
The best way to ensure long-term health from nutrition is to eat a diet rich in natural unprocessed whole foods. It should consist of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. You should include nuts, grains and seeds for minerals and healthy fats. A small amount of lean meat and full fat dairy products should be included, and quality oily fish should be consumed twice a week.
You can add nutrients with superfoods like acai berries, bee pollen and raw cacao. These foods are nutrient-dense with multiple vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fats in one source. You may be amazed at how these tickle your tastebuds too!
Take charge of your diet
When making or buying food, really think about what’s in it and whether you want those things to be part of your body.
Look at the ingredients panel. Do you recognise the names of the ingredients? Do you know where they come from? How many ingredients are there and how many are natural? Remember, the less natural, the harder for your body to breakdown, use and get rid of.
Ask yourself these 3 quick questions before every meal:
- What am I eating?
- Why am I eating this?
- What will this do for my body?
These 3 quick questions will keep you real about the foods you eat, and help you eat more foods that will nourish, heal and support your ongoing health for longer.