Natural Life AU

Nature’s Protective Powerhouse: Propolis. Benefits, Uses & More.

Discover the incredible benefits of propolis, a natural remedy used for centuries. Derived from tree and plant resins, this bee-produced substance is packed with bioactive compounds, including essential vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. From soothing sore throats to enhancing your overall well-being, propolis is a powerful addition to your health regime.

10 min. read


Propolis has been treasured for centuries for its myriad health benefits. Derived from the resin of trees and plants, propolis serves as a natural shield against bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the hive. But its benefits extend far beyond the beehive, offering humans a range of healing properties that support overall health and wellness.

Known for its rich composition of bioactive compounds, propolis contains essential vitamins B, C, & E, whilst also containing important minerals like magnesium and zinc, which are essential for maintaining healthy bodily functions. Moreover, it is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, which help neutralise harmful free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. These properties contribute to its anti-inflammatory effects, making it beneficial for various health conditions.

Additionally, it has long been utilised for its effects on skin, oral, and immune health. It promotes wound healing, reduces inflammation, and protects against infections. In oral health, it reduces plaque, heals gum diseases, and enhances overall hygiene. For immune health, its antimicrobial properties support and regulate the body's defence mechanisms, making it a valuable natural supplement during cold and flu season.

What is Propolis?

Often referred to as “bee glue”, this resinous mixture is produced by bees when they combine their saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. The bees meticulously collect these resins from various plants, which they then mix with beeswax and enzymes produced in their salivary glands.

This unique blend of natural ingredients results in a powerful, sticky substance that the bees use to seal and sterilise their hive. Propolis plays a crucial role in the hive's defence system, creating a barrier that protects the hive from harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It effectively seals cracks and gaps, preventing intruders and environmental contaminants from entering.

The composition of propolis can vary widely depending on the location of the hive and the specific plants available to the bees. Generally, it contains:

  • Resins and balms (50%)

    Sourced from tree buds and sap, these components have potent antimicrobial properties.

  • Beeswax (30%)

    Provides the sticky consistency needed to form a seal.

  • Essential oils (10%)

    Rich in antimicrobial properties.

  • Pollen (5%)

    Adds nutritional value and additional health benefits.

  • Other organic compounds (5%)

    Including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and esters, which contribute to its therapeutic properties.

The creation of propolis is a remarkable example of nature's ingenuity, showcasing how bees utilise available resources to create a multifunctional substance that ensures the health and safety of their colony. By harnessing the protective qualities of plant resins, bees have developed a natural product that not only fortifies their hive but also offers numerous health benefits to humans.

Healing Properties

Propolis is packed with over 300+ bio-active compounds, making it a versatile and powerful natural remedy. Here are some of its key benefits:


Fights bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Studies show that propolis can be effective against various pathogens, making it a powerful natural antibiotic. This property helps in preventing and treating infections, ensuring a healthier immune system.


Reduces inflammation and soothes irritated tissues. This makes it beneficial for conditions like arthritis, where inflammation is a key symptom. By reducing inflammation, propolis helps alleviate pain and discomfort associated with various inflammatory conditions.


Effective against a variety of viruses. Propolis has been shown to inhibit the replication of certain viruses, providing a natural defence against viral infections such as the common cold and flu. Its antiviral properties make it a valuable addition to any immune-boosting regimen.


Provides a mild numbing effect, which can help relieve pain. This property is particularly useful for treating sore throats, minor cuts, and burns, where a soothing and pain-relieving effect is desired. The anaesthetic properties of propolis make it an excellent natural alternative for pain relief.


Protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidant properties help to neutralise harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases. This property is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing age-related diseases.

"One of the most important effects of antioxidants is the way they reduce your cancer risk. They help minimise free radicals, which can damage your cells in a way that makes them dangerous.”

View Our Propolis Range

So, What Is It Used For?

Propolis offers a wide range of health benefits for us humans, making it a valuable natural remedy for various ailments. Here are some of the key benefits, supported by credible research:

Immune Support

Propolis is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. Research from the University of Auckland in New Zealand highlights that it enhances the body's natural defences, helping to fend off infections and illnesses. Its antimicrobial and antiviral properties make it particularly effective during cold and flu season, providing a natural way to strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of getting sick ( MDPI ) ( MDPI ).

How To Use Propolis To Strengthen Your Immune System

Strengthen your immune system with our Propolis 500mg Capsules . Taking one capsule daily can help bolster your body’s defences against infections. These capsules offer a convenient way to integrate propolis into your daily health routine, especially during cold and flu season or when you feel a cold coming on.

Suggested Use : Take one capsule daily with a meal.

Sore Throat

It is highly effective in soothing sore throats and fighting throat infections while also preventing further infection. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anaesthetic properties work together to reduce pain, inflammation, and infection, providing relief and promoting healing. Scientific studies have confirmed these benefits, highlighting its ability to inhibit the growth of harmful oral pathogens. For instance, research published in the Dentistry Journal demonstrated the antimicrobial efficacy of propolis against several oral pathogens, supporting its use as a natural remedy for sore throats​ ( MDPI) ​ ( MDPI )​.

How To Use Propolis To Soothe, Fight & Prevent Throat Infections

When you feel a sore throat coming on, reach for our Natural Life™ Propolis & Manuka Honey Spray . This spray combines the soothing properties of Manuka honey with the antimicrobial and anaesthetic benefits of propolis to relieve and protect from infections.

Suggested Use : Spray directly into the throat 3-4 times per day for immediate relief.

For an extra boost, try our Propicol Candy , which provides on-the-go relief for throat discomfort.

Suggested Use : Dissolve one candy in your mouth as needed, up to 4 times a day.

Mouth Ulcers

Propolis accelerates the healing process of mouth ulcers, reduces inflammation, and soothes pain. Its powerful bio-active compounds contribute to faster recovery and alleviation of discomfort associated with mouth ulcers. Studies, such as those published in MDPI's Molecules and the Dentistry Journal , have shown that it can significantly reduce symptoms and promote faster healing of oral infections. These findings underscore the therapeutic potential of propolis in managing mouth ulcers effectively​ ( MDPI )​​ ( MDPI )​

How To Use Propolis To Accelerate The Healing Process Of Mouth Ulcers

Soothe and heal mouth ulcers by applying our Propolis Liquid directly to the affected area. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties will help reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Suggested Use : Dab a few drops directly onto the ulcer with a clean cotton swab 2-3 times daily for best results.

Oral Health

It is a powerful ally in maintaining oral health. It helps reduce plaque buildup, fight oral bacteria, and heal gum diseases. Regular use of propolis-containing mouthwashes and toothpaste can significantly improve oral hygiene. The same study in "Molecules" notes its effectiveness in promoting oral health and preventing dental issues ( MDPI ).

How To Use Propolis For Optimal Oral Hygiene

Maintain optimal oral hygiene with our Propolis Toothpaste . This toothpaste helps reduce plaque buildup, fight oral bacteria, and heal gum diseases, ensuring a healthier mouth and fresher breath.

Suggested Use : Brush your teeth twice daily with the toothpaste as part of your regular brushing routine to keep your teeth and gums in top condition.

Skin Health

It promotes wound healing and protects the skin from infections. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make it ideal for treating minor cuts, burns, and abrasions. Research has shown that it can accelerate the healing process and reduce the risk of infection in skin wounds ( MDPI ).

How To Use Propolis To Heal Wounds, Cuts & Infections

Propolis is excellent for promoting healthy skin. Use our Propolis Soap for daily cleansing to benefit from its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For targeted treatment, our Propolis Liquid can be applied directly to cuts, burns, or irritated skin to promote healing and provide a protective barrier.

Suggested Use : Apply a few drops of the liquid to the affected area 2-3 times a day, or use it to make your own healing salve.

Oxidative Health

The antioxidant properties help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. This reduction in oxidative stress lowers the risk of chronic diseases and supports overall health. The study from the University of Auckland also highlights the potential of propolis as an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, which is crucial for maintaining good health ( MDPI ) ( MDPI ).

How To Use Propolis To Protect Support Oxidative Health

Try Our Propolis 2000mg Capsules to help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Our 2000mg capsules are the most potent strength on the market, containing over 300+ beneficial compounds, including a high flavonoid & antioxidant content to help support your cells from any damage.

Overall Health & Wellbeing

Propolis is rich in essential vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), C (ascorbic acid), and E (tocopherol). It also contains important minerals like magnesium and zinc, which are crucial for maintaining healthy bodily functions. These nutrients, along with its high antioxidant content, contribute to overall health and wellbeing by reducing oxidative stress and supporting various bodily functions ( MDPI ).

How To Use Propolis To Protect Support Your Overall Wellbeing

Our Propolis 2000mg Capsules are again a great addition to your supplement game. Its rich composition of beneficial compounds help to maintain overall health & wellbeing by supporting various bodily functions.


Propolis, with its rich history and powerful properties, is a natural way to enhance your health and well-being. From boosting your immune system to promoting skin healing, this bee-derived wonder is a versatile addition to any health regimen. Whether you're new to propolis or looking to deepen your understanding, incorporating it into your daily routine can provide a host of benefits, supporting your health naturally and effectively.

Incorporate propolis into your daily routine with Natural Life’s range of pure, Australian propolis products, and experience the natural benefits this incredible substance has to offer.

Take A Look At Our Propolis Range

With over 30 years of expertise, Natural life AU is your trusted source for 100% Pure, Australian propolis.