Warming up for winter!

If you think salads are just for summer, think again!
If you find it tricky to keep up your healthy habits in winter, this warm winter salad is easy to prepare, easy to digest, low in fat and packed with nutrients. Make it your go-to meal for family and friends this winter!
What you need:
1 ½ -2 cups Quinoa
2 cups of finely diced winter vegetables of your choice
(try eggplant, carrot, leek, celery, parsnip, sweet potato)
Mixed herbs (we used parsley & chives)
½ cup chopped walnuts, roasted
2 tablespoons Natural Life Bee Pollen
Salt & pepper to taste
Soak the quinoa overnight, and prepare according to directions on the pack. Cover with foil and set aside to keep warm.
Select your vegetables; you can use any winter veggies you like. It’s a good opportunity to go through the fridge and use up any bits and pieces you have, as roasting is a beautiful way to combine various vegetables and mix their flavours. In our recipe, we’ve chosen eggplant, carrots, leek and parsnip. Fresh fennel and red onions roast beautifully too.
Chop the vegetables into small cubes of similar size. Place on baking tray and sprinkle lightly with seasalt. Bake in a low temp (130-150 degree) oven until vegetables soften, and become golden on edges.
While the vegetables are baking, prepare your herbs. We use parsley and chives, but again, you can choose others to suit to your tastes. Set a small amount of the mixed herbs for serving.
When the vegetables are ready, mix with the warm quinoa, chopped herbs and 1 tablespoon of Natural Life Bee Pollen. Stir all ingredients well and flavour with salt and pepper.
Transfer the mix to a serving plate or bowl and sprinkle with the remaining tablespoon of Bee Pollen and the chopped roasted walnuts. Garnish with the left over herb mix and lightly drizzle with olive oil.
Serve warm and enjoy!
This warm winter salad will warm your home and your tummy! It’s not only delicious tasting, it’s a handy way to use up vegetables that need to be eaten, is perfect for vegetarians, and is a great source of healthy plant-based protein and carbohydrate fuel for the body.
The Natural Life Bee Pollen granules are a rich source of B Complex Vitamins and protein-building amino acids to add an additional energy kick. The pretty multi-floral granules show the pollen has been collected from a variety of different plants and adds a dash of warm winter colour to the salad, so it looks even more beautiful on the plate.
Make your own! Buy your Natural Life Bee Pollen!