Propolis – An age-old remedy for your natural health and wellness!

Do you feel like you catch every bug going around? Do you often have a runny nose, a cold, a sore throat or suffer frequent allergies and cold sores? These health concerns may seem trivial, but over time they not only slow you down they leave you feeling down too. Frequent and recurring bouts of common illness are a sign that something’s not right, and often, it’s a poorly functioning immune system.
If your immune health could use a pick-me-up, try all-natural Australian Propolis from Natural Life™!
Taken daily propolis may assist to improve the body’s natural immune response, and may help to both strengthen and improve immune function – so you can say goodbye to pesky illnesses that disturb your day!
As with all natural substances, Propolis cannot be patented and therefore few clinical studies on its precise activity exist. Despite this, various universities and scientific institutions around the world have studied the composition and health benefits of propolis and from these, we know Propolis to possess the following health-giving properties:
- Antibacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antibiotic
- Antifungal
- Analgesic
- Anti-allergen*
- Anti-aging
So what is propolis used for?
The health benefits attributed to propolis are many, with claims it may be useful for anything from general health to immune function, wound healing, hormone management, allergy reduction, skin infections, herpes, cold sores, anti-aging, arthritis, digestive issues and more. Specifically, we know Propolis contains natural components that support healthy immune system function and the body’s natural immune response.
How does it work?
Scientists believe the concentration of flavonoids in Propolis is key to its health benefits. Flavonoids are the source of antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity in Propolis. This alone is useful for keeping infection at bay and reducing inflammation for better general health. In addition, the antioxidant effects of the flavonoids in propolis defend against free radical damage that causes disease and degeneration in the body.
“Due to the stressful life we lead today, the body's antioxidants are not enough to neutralize all free radicals produced. Thus we need to take foods which are rich in antioxidants.”
Flavonoids are super-antioxidants; more powerful than Vitamin C, E, Zinc and Selenium. They are found in foods like berries, citrus fruits and red wine, and are highly concentrated in natural Propolis. Taking Natural Life™ Propolis is a sure way to increase your flavonoid intake and antioxidant activity and improve your path to better health.
You can harness the health benefits of Propolis today!
A 500mg capsule of Propolis each day is enough to help build immune strength and maintain general wellbeing. During periods of infection or to target a specific condition, consult a natural health professional about dosages and frequency.
Always choose a high quality Propolis from a reputable manufacturer like Natural Life™. 100% Australian-made and owned, Natural Life™ is a well-known and internationally trusted supplier of natural Propolis and other premium quality Australian-Made Bee health and wellness products.
Find out more about Natural Life™ bee health and wellness here.
*Individuals with bee allergies should not take propolis or other bee products.