Fight aging with these natural beauty weapons!

For women, caring for our appearance is often described in terms of struggle. We ‘battle’ our weight and ‘fight’ anti-aging. But is beauty really this hard?
Staying slim with great skin is easy when you have the right weapons!
- Exfoliation – As you approach your 40s and beyond, the natural process of skin regeneration slows making skin appear dull and grey. Exfoliation helps by removing surface build up and stimulating renewal; but you don’t need expensive creams or treatments. A small, round soft-bristled brush can help remove waste build up from the skin surface, leaving it brighter and more youthful looking. Brushing two to three times a week will keep your complexion looking fresh. Treat your body to extra shine too with a larger, harder bristled body brush!
- Strength-building exercises – Weights, yoga, pilates and other strength building activities have many anti-aging benefits. Muscular strength tones and defines your body, giving it a more youthful appearance. Coupled with a strong core this helps retain an upright stance for longer which has a great impact on your perceived age. With ongoing strength building activities, you can maintain your agility and put off the loss of mobility that signals the start of old age.
- Eat antioxidants - Antioxidants are a must-have in our diets, because they help repair cell damage that causes sluggish body function, disease and external signs of aging. Fill your meals with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, especially berries and dark leafy greens – to ramp up your antioxidant intake. In the long term, replacing heavy foods like bread, meat and dairy with antioxidant fruit and vegetables will also result in sustainable weight loss, so look and feel great!
- Supplement antioxidants! If you smoke, drink alcohol or eat sugary or processed foods (and we all sometimes do), then increasing your antioxidant intake is even more important. A poor diet and lifestyle significantly increases the number of free radicals in your body contributing to premature aging. This needs to be offset with antioxidants – more than we get from a typical western diet. Anti-oxidant-rich superfoods and supplements like Propolis or Royal Jelly can significantly increase your antioxidant intake to help repair damaged cells, prevent further damage and promote better all over health.
- Get fat - Fish oils and other ‘good fats’ are widely used as anti-inflammatory agents for arthritis and heart disease, but they’re great for your complexion too! The anti-inflammatory action of oils like Omega 3, Evening Primrose and Squalene reduce inflammatory conditions including eczema, dermatitis, acne and rosacea. Natural fats from fish oils (and also nuts, seeds avocados and eggs) are essential for strong cell membranes, helping to retain nutrients – especially water - to keep cells hydrated and reduce the appearance of lines.
End your war with beauty today with these simple, effective and inexpensive beauty weapons. You’ll look your best and feel even better!