Survival Guide for a healthy, happy celebrations!

Christmas, New Year and the holidays are almost here! November and December is such a busy time as we start to finalise our ‘to do’ list for the year. It’s also full of parties, shopping and end-of-year events - no wonder people get a little stressed!
In addition to all the running around, there’s the worry of extra eating, drinking, kilos, stress and pressure on our health.
Rather than listing all the things you shouldn’t do these holidays, we’re going to give you 5 things you CAN do to survive the holidays with your health, sanity and waistline in order!
Start the day with a liver cleanse – It’s so simple but so effective. A little lemon juice in some warm water first thing in the morning helps to alkalise your body, which is essential after consuming the acidic foods and drinks we have so much of this time of year. Lemon water is cleansing to the liver and kidneys helping to detoxify the body and also contains magnesium and potassium which are easily depleted by unhealthy eating and drinking.
Add a green smoothie to your day! While the morning is looking good, mix yourself a green smoothie. You can find lots of recipes here. This will add a mass of nutrients to your body and ensure you get some of the raw vegetables your body needs to function properly.
Boost your smoothie with bee health superfoods to get even more benefits. For example, Fresh Royal jelly will add Vitamins B, C & E for energy, immune health and improved skin appearance – nice for all those Christmas parties! Propolis Liquid will support your immune system and deliver powerful antioxidants to help restore free radical damage caused by sugary foods and alcohol. Bee Pollen will deliver a big energy hit and stimulate your metabolism to maintain the flow of nutrients, energy and waste through your body.
Meditate – Meditation is known to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels produce stress, anxiety, increased heart rate and blood pressure and over time can even lead to depression. Meditation not only reduces cortisol levels, it increases ‘happy’ hormones like serotonin that assist with emotional balance. The use of breath during meditation is calming, floods the body with fresh oxygen and lowers the heart rate. The results are instant, so meditation is a quick (and free!) way to reduce stress these holidays. Better yet, ongoing daily meditation has long term benefits to your health and happiness – find out more here!
- Don’t let your exercise routine slip – after a night on the town or with a belly full of Christmas turkey, you might not want to hit the gym, but you should! Keeping your metabolism active helps burn the extra calories you’re eating and drinking and eliminates toxins from the body faster too. Exercise will assist to digest the heavy foods we eat at this time of year encourages you to sweat and drink more water which are both detoxifying!
Happy summer celebration!